07 June 2007

Learning 2.0

Apparently, I have a problem following directions! My last post failed to mention my lifelong learning habits and challenges, specifically in relation to the 71/2 habits of lifelong learners. Overall, I feel committed to lifelong learning, and believe I have been successful in incorporating many of the habits into my daily life.

Having the confidence to believe in myself as a "competent, effective learner" has definitely been difficult at times. I think I compare my life and choices to those of my classmates, family members, and co-workers, and often end up concluding that I haven't achieved enough. What this mystical "enough" is varies depending on what kind of day I'm having. When I'm struggling to get my finances in order, I begin to feel like maybe I should have been more practical in my learning objectives over time. When I look at photos I've taken while travelling, or dig up my university diploma, I sometimes realize that maybe I HAVE achieved some of my goals and that there is no reason why I cannot reach all of them.

The habit I tend to have the least difficulty with is "beginning with the end in mind". I often have a pretty clear "big picture" of what my end goal is and what steps will be necessary to achieve it. As I travel through the steps required, I find that sometimes my priorities shift, and I end up re-evaluating my original goal and altering course slightly. I believe maintaining an open mind and committing to the process of learning is necessary, rather than rigidly adhering to a pre-defined path. Having an end in mind (whether it's the original goal or a new goal) makes the process more rewarding, and tend to keep me focused.

Wow..who knew this blogging activity would end up being so introspective! :)


Karyn said...

Hi Sandi
Just wanted to say hi as a fellow kill bill and Jane Austen fan.
Whanganui UCOL

sandi said...

Hi Karyn,
Pleased to meet like-minded people!