29 June 2007


I've been using MSN style messaging for a number of years, first with ICQ, now with a Mac program called Adium that handles multiple messaging platforms, such as Jabber, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, and MSN. I still use MSN for my account, because the majority of my contacts use it, but I prefer the Adium interface. Maybe I'll have to add some work contacts (Brianne??) to my list. I have to say though, that I don't value messaging nearly as much as I used to. The more technology I incorporate into my daily life, the more likely I am to value face to face human interactions. This is not to say that I don't LOVE all this stuff, just that it helps to reveal my priorities.

I've been using Skype intermittently for the last few years. My partner and I started using it to communicate with some of his family members who were living in Mexico. I find it works best if both parties are communicating through Skype, rather than Skype to telephone. I just got a lovely surprise Skype call from Coral! Literally minutes after adding my Skype button to my blog, she clicked it and connected with me right away. That really brings home the value of these types of applications. Skype makes New Zealand seem much closer!

26 June 2007

For my impatient friend..we'll call her "C"

I have enjoyed playing with Flickr toys..but honestly don't see myself using most of them in the future. Below are my attempts. I tend to prefer the simpler ones, and the gallery style tools. This may have something to do with my sense of humour (or lack thereof).

This frame toy is available on the main page -


Not sure why, but I love this picture. One day, I hope that I'll be able to make my own "Librarian" trading card. Try this at home:


And finally...

This is the basic caption adding feature from fd flickr toys.

And for those bibiliophiles..feel free to check out my library on LibraryThing. See sidebar for link. I love LibraryThing and Delicious Library, but need to update my collections. Unfortunately, I'm not ready to cough up the $$ to buy more space on LibraryThing.

25 June 2007

Gnarls Barkley Crazy Theremin Jam

Theremin and Gnarls Barkley..life does not get any better.

20 June 2007

The future...

Say "hi" to Sadie, my future niece.

While this might not be what Donna had in mind when she suggested posting photos of "something of interest", I thought I would kill two birds with one stone (so to speak). I'm enjoying using Flickr, and know that I will have use for it in the future. I'm debating whether to get the pro account, so that I can have more than three sets. I currently have about 60 photos posted, but anticipate wanting to add more. For now, most of my photos have restricted access..I'm not quite ready to share everything with the general public.

While I'm not usually the one to gush about babies, I have to admit I'm pretty excited. My nephews are great..but as this is the first collaborative child for my brother and his wife, it will be interesting to see which qualities and traits she shares with each of her brothers. I'll be sure to post more closer to her birth. Oh - and if you have a suggestion for a middle name, please pass it on.

12 June 2007

RSS - information overload?

Subscribing to RSS feeds is like everything else in life - good in moderation. After signing up with netvibes and subscribing to my co-workers' feeds, I decided to add all the blogs that I check out on a regular basis (too many). I also added some news sites and library blogs. Then I mucked around with the colours, backgrounds, modules etc. Several hours later... I realized how addictive this can be, and that I will NEVER be caught up reading all the newest posts.

Google has recently added several new applications/modules to it's features, including Google Reader and iGoogle. Both of these work very well and are easy to use. Having subscribed to Netvibes, however, I have to say that I love the Netvibes interface. It is easier to modify and adding feeds is a simpler process. Being able to export all your subscriptions as an OPML file is great too if you already have them set up elsewhere.

08 June 2007

sometimes going to the Dr. is a good thing..

This morning I found out the reason I've been feeling so awful the past few days - Strep Throat! Yuck. $75.00 worth of antibiotics ensures I'll be all fixed up for work on Monday morning. I picked the wrong year to opt out of health insurance!

07 June 2007

Learning 2.0

Apparently, I have a problem following directions! My last post failed to mention my lifelong learning habits and challenges, specifically in relation to the 71/2 habits of lifelong learners. Overall, I feel committed to lifelong learning, and believe I have been successful in incorporating many of the habits into my daily life.

Having the confidence to believe in myself as a "competent, effective learner" has definitely been difficult at times. I think I compare my life and choices to those of my classmates, family members, and co-workers, and often end up concluding that I haven't achieved enough. What this mystical "enough" is varies depending on what kind of day I'm having. When I'm struggling to get my finances in order, I begin to feel like maybe I should have been more practical in my learning objectives over time. When I look at photos I've taken while travelling, or dig up my university diploma, I sometimes realize that maybe I HAVE achieved some of my goals and that there is no reason why I cannot reach all of them.

The habit I tend to have the least difficulty with is "beginning with the end in mind". I often have a pretty clear "big picture" of what my end goal is and what steps will be necessary to achieve it. As I travel through the steps required, I find that sometimes my priorities shift, and I end up re-evaluating my original goal and altering course slightly. I believe maintaining an open mind and committing to the process of learning is necessary, rather than rigidly adhering to a pre-defined path. Having an end in mind (whether it's the original goal or a new goal) makes the process more rewarding, and tend to keep me focused.

Wow..who knew this blogging activity would end up being so introspective! :)

06 June 2007

Musings on blogs..

Well..this is my third or fourth blog attempt. I always get started well, creating a template, picking the colours...and then I stop. I was never a diary keeper, and I guess blogging feels the same way to me. The fact that I absolutely hate public scrutiny of my innermost thoughts (call me crazy) doesn't help either .

Having said all that, I am a huge supporter of blogs, and read many on a regular basis. If contributing to this blog makes me a more well-rounded learner, then I am all for it. I'm very interested in the impact that blogging and social-networking programs have had on human relationships and communication. But in all honesty, most of the blogs I read are just for fun..no analysis needed. One of my all time favourites - http://www.boingboing.net/