29 June 2007


I've been using MSN style messaging for a number of years, first with ICQ, now with a Mac program called Adium that handles multiple messaging platforms, such as Jabber, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, and MSN. I still use MSN for my account, because the majority of my contacts use it, but I prefer the Adium interface. Maybe I'll have to add some work contacts (Brianne??) to my list. I have to say though, that I don't value messaging nearly as much as I used to. The more technology I incorporate into my daily life, the more likely I am to value face to face human interactions. This is not to say that I don't LOVE all this stuff, just that it helps to reveal my priorities.

I've been using Skype intermittently for the last few years. My partner and I started using it to communicate with some of his family members who were living in Mexico. I find it works best if both parties are communicating through Skype, rather than Skype to telephone. I just got a lovely surprise Skype call from Coral! Literally minutes after adding my Skype button to my blog, she clicked it and connected with me right away. That really brings home the value of these types of applications. Skype makes New Zealand seem much closer!

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